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A Zen Parable & Things I Like.

From Wayne Rowe, Zen and the Magic of Photography.

During the course of my college studies, I came across a Zen parable about a man who encounters a tiger in a field. The man flees, and in his efforts to escape the tiger, he lowers himself by a wild vine down the face of a cliff. Trembling, he suddenly realizes that the tiger he is fleeing is directly above him and that another tiger is waiting below. His life now depends upon the strength of the vine. If this situation were not bad enough, two mice, one black and one white, begin to gnaw at the vine. The story ends as the man sees a luscious strawberry growing near him on the precipice. Grasping the vine with one hand, he plucks the strawberry with the other. “How sweet it tasted!”

The following are part of my first photography project. It’s simple: Thing I Like. I am trying to keep in mind that I did just begin school.. but all the mistakes I can see are so bothersome. Whatever. I uploaded them anyways because I don’t care. Nope. Not at all.

GAHHH! Xxx, tkp